Sunday, December 23, 2007

Party at Applecrest

What a great party! Thank you Todd and Jen for opening your warm house to us last night. The Beef a la Maryland was delicious and so were the appetizers, side dishes and yummy treats.

Peter, you did a wonderful job in keeping the "magic alive". Justine, what can we say. So glad you got the special gift and not us!! Linda, so sorry for the loss of the moose, but I must say it was a funny move on Tami's part. Fun ending for a fun game.

We wish everybody a very mery Christmas and a healthy, happy and successful 2008.

Don't forget to check the photos from last night and an excerpt of Santa's visit.

Feliz Navidad!
The Crosbie-Villasecas

Here's a short video of Santa's visit to Applecrest. Good job Santa!!!
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